05 Nov
The Indian Risk Appetite
Indian risk appetite makes the average Indian believe that nothing bad can happen. Every business has a Plan B, a contingency plan to fall back on. Ironically most Indians do not have a plan B for their own homes and families.
14 Jan
What should a Corporate know before buying a Professional Indemnity Insurance
Many insurers offer a professional indemnity (PI) policies. Corporates often assume that buying from a reputed insurer ensures the best product. One should know that an Insurers restrict their risk, even if it fetches a lower premium.
05 Nov
The Indian Risk Appetite
Indian risk appetite makes the average Indian believe that nothing bad can happen. Every business has a Plan B, a contingency plan to fall back on. Ironically most Indians do not have a plan B for their own homes and families.
What should a Corporate know before buying a Professional Indemnity Insurance
Many insurers offer a professional indemnity (PI) policies. Corporates often assume that buying from a reputed insurer ensures the best product. One should know that an Insurers restrict their risk, even if it fetches a lower premium.
Which Insurance policies should the corporates buy, a Finance manager’s guide
Company Managers buy insurance regularly and are well educated on how to optimize purchases. Purchase of insurance products is often focused on products which can provide immediate salvation, read “claims”.
The Indian Risk Appetite
Indian risk appetite makes the average Indian believe that nothing bad can happen. Every business has a Plan B, a contingency plan to fall back on. Ironically most Indians do not have a plan B for their own homes and families.
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